Training, Racing, Injuries

I’ve blogged several times before about how one of my main goals is to continue the athletic lifestyle I’ve been leading, but to do it injury free. This means training slowly and building on past growth in a measured way. I am not 18 anymore, I can’t bounce back from craziness like I used to.

Bill Injuries SummerUp ’til this last month, I’ve done remarkably well for two years. Nothing debilitating, nothing that kept me out of races. However, I’ve now had a wiinjury to my back (4 weeks ago) and I’ve just discovered today that I yanked (not pulled) my right calf muscle. This is highly annoying. I have a triathlon in 5 days that is an exceptionally fun race but I now have to go day to day and wonder if I’ll be able to compete. The crux of the matter is that I’m training for a marathon in October which is by far more important than the triathlon. If I race the tri, I may end up causing serious damage to my leg which will set be back in my marathon training even farther than I already am, and I’m already too far behind.

It’s frustrating, but unfortunately this is part of what comes with being an age-grouper athlete. You have to pick your targets and train (sometimes rest and recuperate) to hit them. I’ll be disappointed if I have to forgo the race this weekend, but the marathon is more important. I’ll be there to cheer on Jenn no matter what my decision is. I’ll probably not make the decision until friday.


4 responses to “Training, Racing, Injuries”

  1. annie Avatar

    I’m with you on the age thing. I haven’t even finished Week 1 of my couch to 5k plan because I tweaked my knee moving the dryer on Thursday. It was doing fine with the first two workouts, and I was really hopeful that its aggravations of the past were done with.

    We’ll see!

    Hope you’re feeling better.

  2. […] may have mentioned before that I’m training for a marathon. The Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco to […]

  3. […] have any physical problems with training for and completing and ironman. Other than a couple fluke things which I’ve talked about before, I didn’t hit any major stumbling blocks, so it looks […]

  4. […] We’ve been training regularly for this race, doing quite well keeping up with our schedule. Until… [duh duh DUHHHH] I pulled my calf muscle and Jennifer started having some feeling-well issues. Right now, I’m about 4 weeks behind on my training and Jenn maybe two. But all is not lost! Things seem to be better in my calf and this weekend I will be resuming my exercise schedule by participating in the Peachtree City Sprint Triathlon (Tri-PTC) which, if you recall, I had to walk 2 years ago due to another calf injury. […]

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