Marathon Training Continues

With this week’s snowpocalypse, doing any sort of regularly scheduled training has been difficult. Running on the sidewalks has been impossible (or extremely ill-advised, see this image and this tweet of mine) and until yesterday it was also not advisable to trek out to the gym for indoor treadmill running (or swimming or weight lifting, or whatever).

Thusly, this week put a bit of a bump in the training plan. Nevertheless, I’m out on Sunday morning for my next long run, all twelve miles of it. Then it’s back on schedule for progressing up to a marathon distance in time for the Georgia Marathon on March 20, 2011.

I’ve also got planned the Atlanta Track Club Peachtree City 5k/10k for next weekend, January 22. That’s always a fun race and hopefully I’ll see lots of people I know.

Race season is coming! I’ll be ready. Will you?


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