Category: Travel

  • Delta: Doing it Wrong

    Delta recently revamped their website, For those of us who fly a lot on Delta, it’s a useful place to be, but not when they make arbitrary demands that decrease our security.

    Password change screen for

    This is the password change screen for their new website update. It requires a password between 6-20 characters, with no special characters, at least one upper and lowercase letter, and at least one number.

    This is stupid.

    I have a very secure set of passwords. None of them fit into this category; they don’t even come close. Therefore, I can’t do an easily modifiable base password to fit this arbitrary set of rules. Therefore, I’m probably not going to remember the password. Therefore I can either write it down (that’s secure!) or just realize that every time I try and use, I’ll be having to reset my password.

    Delta, I’m a bit disappointed in you. Let’s try and stay up with the times, ok? Let’s also realize that if you make enough arbitrary requirements on passwords, your users are going to be annoyed, thus less likely to recommend your website. Off to travelocity they go, in that case.

  • In The White Mountains


    At Unknown Pond on the slopes of Mt. Cabot, near Berlin, NH.

  • Going through France Pictures

    Sorting, tagging, cropping, selecting and discarding 1,000 images takes a little while. I just got started.

    Here’s one of my favorites so far.


  • Château Versailles


    It’s a palace. It’s majestic and imposing.


    It also had some interesting items.


  • Evening on des Champs Élysées

    Last night we walked the Champs Élysées from the Arc de Triomphe to the Louvre. We window shopped, ate dinner (drank wine) saw the Louvre from the outside and got rained on.

    Today it’s back to the Louvre for art and awe. And more rain. C’est la vie!


  • Signs

    I’m having way too much fun observing signage.


  • Notes Dame

    Notes Dame cathedral is impressive. More so on a Sunday during messe.





  • Night one: Wander and Wine

    What do you do when you just spent 14 hours getting from A to B? You test out your mangled French on a server who doesn’t speak English, drink wine, and wander around (and sleep).

    Yes, I know it’s obvious, but it’s really cool to touch something built in the 12th century.


  • We Are in Paris

    We are here! First few nights are off Le Place des Vosges.



  • We’re Off! To France! Woo!


    What the title says.

    More updates when we get to the other side of the pond.