Energy Policy

I think that one of the most significant problems we (humanity) will face in the next 200 years is that of energy production, distribution, and consumption. I have a multitude of opinions, even the odd posting coming soon, but this particular post is about Iraq.

Go to this link to compare the cost of Iraq with governement expenditures on alternative energy (“alternative” meaning non-oil). It’s a fascinating graph.

I don’t see how the world is going to get out of the mess it’s in without significant investment in nuclear energy. More on that to follow at a later date, but feel free to tell me I’m wrong.


3 responses to “Energy Policy”

  1. Kim Bosco Avatar

    A bigger problem in the next 200 years might be water.

    But yes, we seriously need to get our butts in gear.

  2. Bill Avatar

    That’s avoids my point. How can we possibly have a water problem when 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with it? What we have is an energy problem. With cheap (and enough) energy, water treatment and desalinization becomes a breeze.

    I acknowledge that there are engineering issues to be overcome in order to supply the world with desalinated water, but this is just one aspect of the problem you mentioned.

  3. Kim Bosco Avatar

    Well, then the engineers better get busy working on it, because there are areas in Western Kansas who aren’t going to be able to wait much longer before all the groundwater reservoirs are gone.

    Too bad there are six billion people on this planet. Otherwise, we could all move to Iceland. They’re on track to become independent of fossil fuels in the very near future. But unfortunately, we don’t all have a bevy of volcanoes in our backyards.

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