Stamford Times Can’t Format an Article
This article from the Stamford Times demonstrates two things: They shouldn’t let their IT folks set up the online newspaper because, really, who uses center formatting for a newspaper article and, oh yeah, there’s some traffic calming information in there.
16 Students Killed in Egypt
Two days after the Viriginia Tech shootings, 16 teenage students were killed, and 8 injured in a head-on collision in Egypt. Why didn’t this make the national news?
Keokuk, Iowa is REMOVING Traffic Signals
If you know anything about small towns, you know that their traffic signals are sources of community pride. However, when it goes overboard, traffic delays skyrocket, maintenance costs soar, and people start to realize that signals are not a fix-all. Keokuk is experimenting with a more rational approach to their signalization, and getting rid of their ancient unwarranted electromechanical signal controllers in the process.
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