Did you know Miami is the southeastern U.S. port of entry for the majority of fresh produce? If you live Kentucky, most of your fridge is shipped (by truck!) from Miami. Think about that the next time you go to the grocery store.
Miami is also the nations largest port of entry for fresh flowers. Check out this mornings story on Morning Edition no, I’m not a latte-drinking, volvo-driving NPR-listening Hippie. That’s my wife. I just listen to NPR without the rest of that stuff
Some Seasoning for your Road?
In an otherwise dry report, the Belleville News Democrat compares road de-icing to table seasoning.
In all, the Missouri Department of Transportation has used 240,000 tons – which is enough to cover the yearly table salt demand of Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Tennessee.
Arggh. This is like those comparisons the Discovery channel uses when they want you to think something is REALLY big. “Almost 100 million millimeters!”
Beltway Omelet
A trucker on the I-495 beltway around Washington D.C. overturned and spilled 165,000 eggs. “Karbonski said it looked like a large omelet on the road.” At least this officer can attach a cogent metaphor.
No Bi-Fuel in HOV
In the dry-but-interesting category, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano issued an order prohibiting bi-fuel vehicles in HOV lanes. State legislators object to what they see as an executive authority overstep.
Traffic Data Sampling Through Your Cellphone
It keeps getting closer. As the computing power of the cellphone increases, and as data gathering techniques mature, the cellphone is becoming the leading choice for collecting real-time traffic data.
Atlanta Traffic Hockey Day
The Gwinnet Gladiators are having a traffic-themed game on the 24th of February, as reported by Hockey Rants. Check out the jersey!
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