Andy Borowitz dissects the latest missive from President Bush.
Category: Popular Culture
In case you don’t watch Battlestar Galactica, “Frak” is a tv-happy euphemism for F**K. There, now you’re more educated that you were.
Never let it be said that reading the NY Times is without merit. How else would I have learned that there is a documentary entitled f**k out there. Ron Jeremy is interviewed. I need to go get in line right now…
Here is a quote from the review article:
I have been known to use the word in mixed company and even, I blush to admit, around my children — but only pedagogically, to call attention to the laxity of other drivers on family car trips. Never in front of the readers, though.
From now on, I will cease to feel guilty if I say f**k in mixed company. I’m only doing it pedagogically.
Lonelygirl15 has been Unmasked
Turns out that Lonelygirl15 wasn’t as lonely as she appeared in the internet video shorts.
Here’s the first YouTube video, I leave the rest as a exercise for the reader.