Category: Dvorak

  • Dvorak & !Me

    Well, my brief experiment with Dvorak is at an end for now. The system works well; I learned the keys quickly and my speed was picking up. Unfortunately, I hit a small snag: work.

    When I am needed to write-write-write, I must fall back on my best available typing option, i.e. QWERTY.

    So, I will have to find another opportunity to learn Dvorak. Sometime when I know I won’t be needing to write large documents for a while.

    Happy Christmas Gift-Return-Day, by the way!

  • Torture and Pain

    Once again I ask myself, “Why are you torturing yourself by switching to Dvorak?” And torture it is. I’m used to typing about as fast as I can compose; right now I’m going at 1/10th speed. Ack.

    So, day 4 and things are painful. I need to spend some time practicing.