Not Looking Forward to Game of Thrones Season Six

A Song of Ice and Fire

Last night we put our money where our mouth was and paid to join HBO Now/Go/Whatever in order to watch Game of Thrones season five. Thanks, HBO, for listening! But that’s not what this is about.

I am not at all looking forward to 2016 and the next season of Game of Thrones. Why? Because I’ve been with the books since the beginning and I feel this groundswell of viewers who say to us book readers, “You’ve been giving us inadvertent/advertent spoilers since season one! Now it’s our turn.”

It’s my understanding that this season (five) will have some spoilers/scenes from Winds of Winter, book six of the Song of Ice and Fire. I’m not too worried about that because if there are some, they’ll be early in the book, by the nature of the TV show. I am distinctly worried about Season 6 because it will be throwing down left and right on stuff that will only be in book 7. And I definitely won’t be watching Season 7 (or anything after season 6).

G.R.R. Martin has told HBO how his series will end, but there won’t be enough “canon” literature from Song of Ice and Fire for them to go off, therefore they’re going to be making shit up left and right. This is good for us readers in the sense that what we see won’t be spoilers, but bad because no matter how much they get “wrong” ((Different, rather.)) they’ll still know how the major story arcs end up and that’s just unacceptable to those of us ((I’m generalizing, but I think most dedicated readers will agree with me.)) who have been with the series since the beginning. I want the developments and wrap-ups to come at me in the method that G.R.R. Martin has crafted, not the way the TV series will present it.

This means that I’ll be actively avoiding Twitter and Facebook during the TV series times and informing relatives and close friends that it will be unacceptable to tell me how things happen, who dies, or who the last Night’s Watch standing is. Hopefully most people will respect that, but there’s always some asshole who thinks they’re being funny.

Don’t be that guy.


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