Facebook is Eating your Soul (and by extension, mine)

Over a year ago, I kicked Facebook mostly out of my life. My reasoning was/is primarily that Facebook is a soulless evil entity that doesn’t give a shit about you, the user. ((Remember! You’re not Facebook’s customer; you’re it’s product.)) My lesser points were/are that Facebook is training people to like when a software product makes life difficult and also that too much “pull” marketing was being used.

Alas, that last point is becoming more prevalent in my life.  Several social groups I’m a part of liaise exclusively through Facebook and that leaves me in a quandary: Do I stick with my one-person boycott (and keep having to ask, “Jenn, what’s going on?”) or do I let Facebook eat my soul?

You probably understand that I wouldn’t be writing this if I weren’t going somewhere with it, therefore I’m announcing that my Facebook sabbatical is over. I’m back, however I will be contributing to the community as little as possible because Facebook hates you and hates me and just wants your data, not for you or me to have a useful experience.

If this seems holier than thou, that’s because it is! I would love to be known as the person who killed Facebook. Not a very useful wish, granted, but guaranteed to get me a Wikipedia page. I won’t hate you because you use Facebook, after all I am, too. But I will still actively try to convince you and others that it’s a horrible website run by people who don’t care.


4 responses to “Facebook is Eating your Soul (and by extension, mine)”

  1. Cindy Avatar

    You do realize the day after baby boy shows up you will no longer care about facebook or remember that it even exsists. I hope this helps you.

  2. Bill Ruhsam Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam

    I think you underestimate my ability to despise Facebook.

  3. Steph Avatar

    What is this “Facebook” you speak of?

  4. Bill Ruhsam Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam

    Steph: Yay!

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