Georgia Politics Getting off to a Fun Start

The 2013 Georgia legislative session is on and things are happening. However those things have been overshadowed by the announcement that two term US Senator Saxby Chambliss will decline to run for reelection in 2014.

This means that what was going to be a fun and exciting Primary contest with the Tea Partiers lining up to flay Saxby has now turned into a free for all. I expect a lot of trial balloons to be floated over the next few months.

Fun and excitement abound!


2 responses to “Georgia Politics Getting off to a Fun Start”

  1. Bill Ruhsam Sr Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam Sr

    Herman Cain is not going to run.

  2. Bill Ruhsam Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam

    Paul Broun announced yesterday. I would rather have Mr. 999 then Mr. “science is the devils work.”

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