We made it through another Dragon*Con and it was a blast. And it was too crowded. And it was overwhelming. And it was awesome.
Talk to anyone who goes and they’ll probably agree.
My summation will take the form of a montage. Be aware that below the fold lurks dozens of pictures. If you want the full photo set, go to my flickr account.
In a lot of ways, this image of Jeff and Gumby almost perfectly sums up the spirit of Dragon*Con. Of interest, I saw Gumby rocking out about 8 hours later at the DJ spin.
Con isn’t con without Modern Naval Battles (for us). Jeff won his inaugural battle. Gaming is a huge part of the con, but it’s also very concentrated, down in the basement of the Hilton. I spent more time down there than in years past, and was introduced to Sabatoeur (fun with a big group) and Kingdom Builder (something I’ll probably pick up).
Everybody say hi to Jessica and Neal.
Why? Because it’s Dragon*Con.
Tim and Jenn went running on Friday morning because they got too much sleep.
There are lots of interesting things to see on the people around con.
And lots of interesting people to see. I particularly like this pictures because it was a snapshot and while it didn’t give her time to react, she did have time to look at the camera.
There’s a band that marches in the parade every year and this is a representative uniform.
Have you seen Avengers? You should.
This is Molly. Hi Molly.
Who can turn down a pimped-out stormtrooper?
This woman had great presence.
Live long.
There was a huge Ghostbusters contingent this year in the parade with a lot of mash-ups. There were Blues Brothers Ghostbusters, a Kaylee Ghostbuster (from Firefly/Serenity) and many others.
This is the lens I rented from Professional Photo Resources for the weekend. Canon 85mm prime f/1.2L. Very nice. I’ll do a longer review later.
There are also lots of excellent t-shirts at Dragon*Con.
Inevitably, things happen as groups because it’s more fun that way. Left to right is Tim, Zack, Jenn, Jacob, Jessica, and Mike.
Same crew, later in the evening (with Jenn taking the photo), going to the Cruxshadows concert.
Rogue from the Cruxshadows rocked the house, as usual.
The art show is traditionally done by me on Monday when I don’t have much else to do, or much energy to do it. Todd Lockwood gave me permission to take a picture of his sign.
Thursday night The Extraordinary Contraptions played for their CD release party. Here is Zack.
Concerts are fun not just for the band, but for the audience.
Frenchy and the Punk were guest artists during The Extraordinary Contraptions’ show.
And my favorite costume of the weekend. Heavily-armed Beeker.
Last but certainly not least, Brandon Sanderson gave a reading from the upcoming last novel of the Wheel of Time series. I’ll blog more about that individually.
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