Dragon Con 2012!

Dark Side outreach

Soon. So soon.

Dragon*Con is approaching. Once again I’m gathering the troops. Once again Adam Baldwin is coming, but will he actually arrive, and not cancel at the last minute? Will I survive another four days of 4 AM to 8 AM sleep schedule?

We shall see.


2 responses to “Dragon Con 2012!”

  1. Cindy Avatar

    Why dragcon is cool: They are premiering “A Field of Vision” which I sooooo want to see. I’d tell you that its a sci-fi movie based on a certain author I like’s novelette but you would probably make fun of me. Since they are showing it at dragcon it has to be cool and you should watch it.

  2. Bill Ruhsam Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam

    I’m sure the visual experience of an Ursula novel would cut out the bits that I object to so vociferously.

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