Recent Photography Roundup

I haven’t posted many images recently. So here is a quick roundup of events. Of course, we start with a cat.

Overexposed Cat
What do you do when your image is overexposed? Mess with it, of course.

I was out this morning taking pictures of the Ashford Dunwoody construction. This image shows where the contractor is moving fill from its current location to the new ramp. The lighter color dirt is original virgin Georgia earth, undisturbed since back before that guardrail you see was constructed. The reddish dirt is the newer stuff that was placed on top of the virgin earth (fill!) in order to build up the ramp that has that guardrail. It’s really not that exciting, but there is also a significant difference in density between the lighter dirt and the darker. I walked up and gave it a kick with the ‘ol boot.

Old GA Power Office Building
This is the old Georgia Power building at the corner of Forsyth Street and the MARTA tracks, right across Forsyth from Five Points Station. Nice crop of trees.

Mural at Underground
I cannot for the life of me figure out the meaning behind this mural. “Please God, suck me dry?”

Lots of AC
This is the back of a building that fronts on Marietta Street in downtown Atlanta. What caught my eye was the amount of refrigeration on the roof. That’s a lot of air handling. Turns out it’s an IT network company. Guess they want to keep their electronics nice and chilly.


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