Second Weirdest Thing, But First Coolest!

Righteously Awesome. Totally worth your time.


7 responses to “Second Weirdest Thing, But First Coolest!”

  1. David Avatar

    Well done! Good find! That had the two resident fiber workers rolling in the aisles.

  2. Courtney Avatar

    Good find. Some people have strange strange minds and a lot of time and sheep.

  3. Annie Avatar

    @Courtney I think most Welsh shepherds fit all three of those criteria.

  4. Tim Avatar

    Very cool. Got to see herding and sheep dogs in action at a ren faire and was very impressed by the displays they put on last year…nothing on this though. Very amusing.

  5. Marion Avatar

    what people can and will do with and to sheep never fails to amaze me.

  6. Chris Avatar


  7. Cindy Avatar

    The question that comes to my mind is: Who has too much time on
    their hands; You or the shephards?

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