Google Streetview Captures Drunk

Thanks to Steph for pointing this out

Google Streetview has captured a moment of drunken unconsciousness in Australia.

My thoughts on this are: Public photography is legal (in the US) except for some very specific cases. If you’re drunk in a public space, or doing anything else, you’re available for photographic recording. If I, or Google, take a picture of you, you don’t really have much to say about it.

Of course, if I took a picture of someone in a compromising position, and that person requested I remove it from my Flickr stream or my blog, I’d consider the request. I might not acquiesce, but I would consider it.


One response to “Google Streetview Captures Drunk”

  1. Chris Avatar

    According to The Arts Law Centre of Australia Online, Australia does not, in general, protect the rights of a person to be photographed for non-commercial purposes. However, you could argue that Google Streetview IS a commercial purpose, so a modeling release may be needed.

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