New Date to Write

Every year, I have a tiny contest with myself to go the whole year without screwing up the date. I managed this feat in 1993.

This year’s status: Failure on day 2.

What is truly amusing is I thought I’d screwed up on day 3, but then I looked at my training log and realized I’d screwed up the day before, without seeing it. Oops.

How are you doing?


2 responses to “New Date to Write”

  1. Kim Avatar

    Doin’ good so far. I think I made it last year, but if I remember correctly, that’s been my ONLY entire year mistake-free.

  2. Annie Avatar

    I’ve been doing well this year. However, I had a really bad error a few months ago. For some reason, I dated a student’s add/drop card 2004.

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