That's a Lot of Paper

I work for an Engineering Consultant firm. As part of our job, we prepare plans and a step in the Georgia Department of Transportation’s plan review process is to plot multiple (11) sets of both full-sized (22″x34″) and half-sized plans. For submittals like this one, we utilize a firm that specializes in plotting large quantities of papers. For example, here you see the Transportation department gathered around half of our most recent submittal. Wow.
Transportation Department gathered around a plan submittal on a pallet

From left to right is: Anthony Prevost (standing), Me (sitting), Scott Griffin, Rick Hartline, Sharonda Ivy, Laura Muddiman, and Erica Appleby. The featured pile of paper (only Half of it) is the I-520/I-20 interchange in Augusta, Georgia.

I’ve never had plans delivered on pallets before. This has really made my week.


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