Yesterday was a special tax election for Cobb County, Georgia. The proposed tax was a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) that is a tool to allow municipalities and counties to levy themselves for specific, earmarked purchases. This SPLOST would be a 1% increase for 6 years.
In this case, the SPLOST was for Transportation improvements (re: my job), Jail improvements, and Parks & Recreation. The numbers I saw projected were, for the 6 year period of the SPLOST, $1.4 billion total dollars, with only $450 million or so coming from Cobb County residents. The rest would be extra-county persons, or state and federal matching dollars.
Not getting into the pros and cons of this SPLOST, yesterday was the day to make our will known, as citizens of a free and democratic society.
All 12% of us!
Twelve percent turnout for this election! That is fucking awful. I tried to encourage people to vote, even if they were voting opposite of me, but apparently my efforts didn’t reach too many people.
Oh, as of this morning, the unofficial results are 50.15% for the SPLOST and 49.85% against, with a 117 vote margin. They are holding off on official results until Friday when the provisional and military ballots are counted.
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