Some Reduction in Breadth

The plague recently struck the Jenn-Bill-Griffin household with everyone having gastroenteritis one after the other. I can state with confidence that my bout with it was one of the two or three worst illnesses I’ve ever had. While I’ve been sick for longer, in the past, this one hit with the subtlety of a bat to the back of the head. I was needing people to fetch me water because I literally could not make it from the bedroom to the kitchen and back.

Every dark cloud has a slightly less dark cloud outside it, though ((You know, near the edge, where the sun can shine on it.)). Once I was up and around again I discovered that I was down a good five pounds ((Most of which is back now, thank you. It was all the water I couldn’t keep inside.)) and I had a stark reminder that due to my back issues, I’ve been a sessile creature for the past year and a bit. This had contributed to a gain in weight and a redistribution of what weight I had from nice firm muscle to less firm flab. Thusly, things ain’t fitting so well around here at the moment.

As usual, the first place things get tight are pants, but for me that doesn’t have the mental “Oh, No!” factor as not fitting into my favorite t-shirts. So, we have a plan.

I’ve gone through my drawers and pulled out all the t-shirts that just aren’t very comfortable anymore. These are now in the bag you see in the above picture. ((Except for some that are going through the laundry cycle, but I’ll throw those in later.)) To remind and motivate, I’ve got my official Worship the Pizza Gods shirt on display and I will now make efforts to reduce the overage that is causing me to be a bit more plump than I like.

Am I unhealthily large? No. Is this the sort of life-altering decision and stuff that people who go on juice cleanses and 12 month sabbaticals have? No. But it’s a concrete reminder that I need to get a move on. I’m forty and it’s only going to be harder to lose it the longer I leave it. For the time being, significant aerobic exercise isn’t going to happen so I have to start at the intake end. I don’t have a plan yet, but I will.

And it would be a shame to get rid of those t-shirts. I like those. ((The date on that package is 9/18/14, but I don’t plan to hold myself to an arbitrary date. As long as I’ve seen some improvement by then, I’ll keep holding onto the bag.))


3 responses to “Some Reduction in Breadth”

  1. Bill Ruhsam Sr Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam Sr

    Weight Watchers worked for me

  2. Bill Ruhsam Avatar
    Bill Ruhsam

    It’s only 10 or 15 pounds. I’m hoping I can do that through self actualization.

  3. Jeanette Avatar

    Interesting workout program John has been doing for about 6 months called Convict Conditioning that you might want to look at – focus on core muscle build up very slowly over time. I know with your back so much is limited but it’s such a slow progressive and yet incredibly effective method….he is seriously built up at this point just doing this and lost the imaginary few pounds he wanted to. It’s very weird to watch because it hardly seemed like he was doing anything at the beginning.

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